Teen wolf!
Jag måste tipsa om en jättebra serie som har blivit en av mina favoriter! Teen Wolf! Jag började titta på det för några månader eftersom jag hade sett massa om programmet på tumblr. Jag tittade på första avsnittet och blev helt fast! Den har allt!! Bästa serien just nu.
Här är en liten summary på vad serien handlar om!
"The series revolves around social outcast Scott McCall, a young lacrosse-playing student at Beacon Hills High. Scott's life drastically changes when he is bitten by a werewolf, which in turn transforms him into one of these mythical creatures. He must henceforth learn to balance his problematic new identity with his day to day teenage life. The following characters are instrumental to his struggle: Stiles, his best friend; Allison, his girlfriend, who comes from a family that partakes in werewolf hunting; and Derek, a mysterious werewolf. Throughout the show, he strives both to keep his loved ones safe and maintain the relationships and secrets he shares with each person around him. The theme of "finding your place" is a prevalent undertone that is mirrored by the pack mentality of the werewolves".
Här en sjukt jävla bra fanvideo!
alltså Teen Wolf är verkligen värt att titta på!